UNIVERSITY OF BEIRA INTERIOR - Erasmus International Guide

Dear Partner,


We would like to inform that the International Relations and Programmes Office prepared an Erasmus International Guide Information available in our web page in English: , which can be very useful for your students and professors interested in exchanges with our  University, within the framework of Lifelong Learning Erasmus Programme .


Do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further information.


Our best wishes for new academic year 2012/2013.


Best regards.

Sofia Correia Lemos

Universidade da Beira Interior / University of Beira Interior

Gabinete de Programas e Relações Internacionais / International Relations and Programmes Office

Rua Marquês d´Ávila e Bolama

6201-001 Covilhã

Tel.: +351 275 242056

Fax: +351 275 329253


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